
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f95a2fdc-1f6d-4cb7-ab85-faecc32ffc3b/triforce.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f95a2fdc-1f6d-4cb7-ab85-faecc32ffc3b/triforce.png" width="40px" /> Welcome to Hyrule Interviews, the only searchable database of The Legend of Zelda interviews around!

Our mission: to preserve and celebrate the history of the Zelda series by archiving every interview with it's creators, and sharing what we find!

You can also follow Hyrule Interviews on Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon, Bluesky, or Facebook for daily quotes!


About Us

This site was founded by @Max Nichols in 2021 as a way to protect the history of the Zelda series and organize for ease of access. It was also a secret excuse to read or listen to every interview himself! He was always the sort of Zelda fan who would pour over interviews with the creators, looking for insight into just how his favorite series ticked. He's a game designer himself, and is always looking to learn from the best.

Since then we've had heroic contributions from other Zelda historians, drawn by the same goals: to celebrate the history, look for insight, and contribute to the greater community of Zelda fans that means so much to all of us.


Our site could not exist without the fine People who create Zelda games, the **Publications** that interview them, and the help of everyone in our Special Thanks page!

Closer to home, see below for our past and present website contributors!



@Max Nichols

Involved in Zelda fansites for decades. Game designer. Wants to make worlds that players are intrinsically motivated to explore - and understand how the Zelda series accomplished just that.


(Coming soon!)